Udyam Registration Portal in India / उद्यम पंजीकरण पोर्टल

Download Udyam Registration Certificate Online

Download Udyam Registration Certificate Online

The Indian government has launched the new registration process for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises ( MSMEs) under the name of Udyam Registration as of 1st July 2020. According to a notification released by the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) on 26 June 2020, it will now be known as Udyam. The new registration process started on 1st July 2020. After the introduction of Udyam registration, the MSME registration process has now become easier. The Ministry of MSME, Government of India has now opened a new web portal for registration in Udyam.

After the implementation of the new MSME Udyam Registration, the registration process will be made easier for entrepreneurs or businessmen who want to start their own companies. Under this Platform, entrepreneurs will get all the guides regarding the method of Udyam Registration. There are lots of other benefits of Udyam Registration that can be acquired by the businessman.

The MSME Ministry issued the notification that Udyam Registration can be submitted online without the need to upload any kind of documents, certificates, proof, or any legal paper. A business can be registered under this portal simply based on the Aadhaar number. You can print or download the Udyam Registration certificate online once the registration process is over.

Click the Link to Print Udyam Certificate – https://udyamsregistration.org/print-udyam-certificate-online

Check Downloaded Udyam Registration Sample Certificate

Udyam Registration Certificate can be downloaded with lifetime validity, Once the Udyam certificate registration process is over. Once you have acquired the registration certificate, no renewal is required. After you complete the registration process, you can print Udyam registration certificate online. Check the Udyam E-Certificate sample image below

Below are a few points that will help you understand Udyam Registration E-Certificate:

Firstly, you will see the types of enterprise column where it is mentioned under which MSME classification your organization will fall and with which industry you belong.

After that, the 16-digit Udyam Registration Number (URN) will appear.

Below there is the Enterprise name and details of your company’s address are given.

Afterward, you can find the registration and the start date of your incorporation.

Now you will see the National Industry Classification Codes (NIC code). This is the statistical standard for creating and maintaining a comparable database of various economic activities.

Finally, the date of Acknowledgement is given.

How to Download the Udyam Registration Certificate from the Udyam Portal?

You can follow the below-mentioned procedure for the Udyam Registration Certificate print or download :

STEP 1: First go to the Udyam registration portal.

STEP 2: Press the “Print Udyam Certificate” located at the top side of the navigation panel.

STEP 3: Now enter your Udyam Registration 16-digit number and press the “Submit” button.

STEP 4: One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your registered mobile number or email address.

STEP 5: Provide OTP to our executive.

STEP 6: Get the certificate through the registered email address within 1-2 hours.

Our portal provides a single-window registration system for trouble-free Udyam Registration and does the registration process on your behalf. So that every company owner, startup & entrepreneur does not have to face problems during registration. If you face any problems with the printing of Udyam registration certificates, then you can contact us at @Udyamsregistration.org.