Udyam Registration Portal in India / उद्यम पंजीकरण पोर्टल



उदयम पंजीकरण फार्म



उद्यम पंजीकरण फार्म भरने के लिए निर्देश पढ़ें

APPLICANT NAME: Enter the applicant’s name in the given field, as mentioned on the Aadhar card. आधार कार्ड में बताए अनुसार दिए गए क्षेत्र में आवेदक का नाम दर्ज करें।

EMAIL ID: Enter applicant’s valid email id, for future reference. भविष्य के संदर्भ के लिए आवेदक की वैध ईमेल आईडी दर्ज करें।

MOBILE NUMBER: Enter applicant’s correct 10 digits mobile number, without country code. आवेदक का सही 10 अंकों का मोबाइल नंबर दर्ज करें, देश कोड के बिना ।

BUSSINESS OFFICE ADDRESS: Enter the applicant’s correct and full office address location including state, district, and Pincode.राज्य, जिला और पिनकोड सहित आवेदक का सही और पूरा कार्यालय पता स्थान दर्ज करें।

DISTRICT & STATE: Enter Correct District & State. सही जिला और राज्य दर्ज करें।

PINCODE: Enter Correct PIN CODE. सही पिन कोड दर्ज करें।

SOCIAL CATEGORY: Choose a social category from the given options.दिए गए विकल्पों में से एक सामाजिक श्रेणी चुनें।

AADHAAR NUMBER: Enter the 12-digits Aadhar number provided by UIDAI. यूआईडीएआई द्वारा प्रदान की गई 12 अंकों की आधार संख्या दर्ज करें।

PAN CARD NUMBER: Enter the applicant’s pan card number, in the correct format. आवेदक का पैन कार्ड नंबर सही फॉर्मेट में दर्ज करें।

BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: Enter the applicant’s correct bank account number. आवेदक का सही बैंक खाता संख्या दर्ज करें।

IFSC CODE: Enter applicant’s bank account IFSC code. आवेदक का बैंक खाता IFSC कोड दर्ज करें।

DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS: Mention the date of the applicant’s business on which it was started. आवेदक के व्यवसाय की तारीख का उल्लेख करें जिस पर इसे शुरू किया गया था।

TYPE OF ORGANIZATION: Select the type of organization from the given options. दिए गए विकल्पों में से संगठन के प्रकार का चयन करें।

BUSINESS NAME: Enter the Applicant’s business name which will be printed on the certificate.

MAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF ENTERPRISE:Select the main business activity from the given options. दिए गए विकल्पों में से मुख्य व्यावसायिक गतिविधि का चयन करें।

NUMBER OF PERSON/EMPLOYED: Applicants need to enter the number of active employees in his/her firm. आवेदकों को अपनी फर्म में सक्रिय कर्मचारियों की संख्या दर्ज करनी होगी।

ADDITIONAL DETAILS ABOUT BUSINESS: Applicants can enter some additional information about their business. आवेदक अपने व्यवसाय के बारे में कुछ अतिरिक्त जानकारी दर्ज कर सकते हैं।

Number of Employees : The applicant can fill the number of workers in his / her firm. आवेदक अपनी फर्म में श्रमिकों की संख्या भर सकता है।

SUBMIT APPLICATION: Applicants need to click on submit button, once all the required information and document have been uploaded.एक बार सभी आवश्यक जानकारी और दस्तावेज अपलोड हो जाने के बाद, आवेदकों को सबमिट बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा।

NOTE: Applicants need to submit Aadhar and pan card, once the payment has been successfully done. भुगतान सफलतापूर्वक हो जाने के बाद, आवेदकों को आधार और पैन कार्ड जमा करना होगा।

Procedure to Obtain MSME/Udyam Registration Certificate


Fill Up Application Form: Fill the form and upload all the necessary documents as required and submit the application.


Make Online Payment: Make an online payment to complete the procedure. Our payment gateway is secure.


Our executives will process your application: You will get a call back from our executives to validate your application.


Get the acknowledgement on your email ID: You will receive the acknowledgement/ certificate on your given e-mail ID.

Benefits of Registering Under Udyam Registration Portal

  • Bank Loans - Since the financing cost is extremely low, the bank credits are less expensive and simple to profit.
  • Licenses - Organizations with Udyam enlistment don’t confront issues while getting licenses, affirmations, and endorsements.
  • Patents - It turns out to be anything but difficult to get a patent after Udyam.
  • Ease of Setup - Setting up the business is a dreary undertaking. In any case, with Udyam, it turns into a slight bit simpler on account of the different concessions advertised.
  • Barcode - Offices like scanner tags become simple to access through Udyam enlistment.
  • Bills - Concessions are likewise offered in power charges, along these lines helping in a money-related sparing.
  • Reservation Policies - There are sure reservation approaches that wander to be useful for the assembling/creation segment.
  • Protection - Organizations with Udyam get assurance if there should arise an occurrence of postponement in installment.
  • Government Tenders - Organizations likewise get excluded to a degree with regards to government tenders. Since financing costs are extremely low, bank credits are less expensive and easier to profit.

MSME | Udyam Registration FAQ

Udyam registration is a process for registering micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in India. It is a self-declaration process that allows businesses to register online and obtain a unique identification number known as the Udyam registration number. The Udyam registration process is administered by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and is designed to facilitate the development and growth of MSMEs in India.

MSME registration is the older process and was introduced by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in 2006. It involves filling out a physical form and submitting it to the MSME Development Institute, along with supporting documents such as proof of ownership and proof of business activity.

Udyam registration, on the other hand, is a newer process that was introduced in July 2020. It is a self-declaration process that allows businesses to register online and obtain a unique identification number known as the Udyam registration number. The Udyam registration process is designed to be simpler and more streamlined than the MSME registration process.

The MSME certificate is valid for as long as the business is open for business. A temporary MSME certification, on the other hand, is valid for five years. The validity of the Udyam registration certificate has still not been announced on this online registration site, either in the law or in the announcement supplied via the government, for a period such as 5 years, 10 years, etc.

The Udyam registration number is a unique identification number assigned to a business by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India. It is used to identify and track the business for various purposes, including access to government schemes and incentives, the ability to bid for government tenders, and the opportunity to avail of loans and financing from banks and financial institutions at lower interest rates.

All small and micro-businesses in India now have access to collateral-free financing, according to the Indian government. This initiative provides funding to micro and small businesses. Benefits can be claimed by both old and new businesses under this programme. The Government of India, SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India), and the Ministry of Micro, Small, as well as Medium Enterprises, established the Credit Guarantee Trust Fund Scheme to ensure that the Credit Guarantee Scheme is executed for all Micro and Small Enterprises.

Small, medium, and micro-businesses in the industrial and service sectors are all eligible for Udyog Aadhaar registration. This is for the purpose of certifying small and medium-sized businesses or organizations. The main goal of this service was to have a mechanism for the government that will provide the most advantages to medium and small-scale industries and firms in India that are listed through MSME using their Aadhar Card numbers.

The Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) is a single-page registration form that allows you to self-certify your institution’s identity, banking information, promoter/Aadhaar owner’s specifics, and other required details as an MSME register. The submission of the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum is free of charge.

All companies will be able to apply and enroll for Udyog Aadhaar so that they can get other services simply by utilizing their Udyog Aadhaar number. The method to obtain a Udyog Aadhaar Number is completely free, requires no paperwork, and results in immediate enrollment.

The State Shop Establishment Act license specifies general rules, regulatory requirements, and responsibilities of all biz stores and institutions toward their employees, as well as the requirements therein, whereas the MSMED Act’s Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum directs for statutes creation and acknowledgment of MSME.

The Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises provides Udyog Aadhaar, while the city’s municipality provides shop and establishment permits. The MSME register is a centralized registration, while the shop and business registration is a local register. The registration procedure is likewise unique for each of them.

The only following documents for MSME registration are an Aadhaar Card and a PAN Card. MSME registration can be completed entirely online, with no verification of documentation required. The Udyam Registration Portal would automatically bring PAN and GST-linked information on investments and turnover from government systems.

MSME registration is available in India for proprietorships, Hindu Undivided Families, Partnership Firms, One Person Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships, Private Limited Companies, Limited Companies, Producer Companies, any association or body, co-operative communities, or any other undergoing.

To cancel a Udyog Aadhaar registration, make an application or a written consent to the Udyog Aadhaar Registration Center, detailing the enterprise or business growth and indicating which registrations need to be canceled. You will not be able to cancel your registration after it has been submitted. Once the request is approved as well as the MSME Consent is given, there will be no refunds. MSME Registration certificates will be emailed to the email address provided in the online application system within 24 hours.

Udyog Aadhar registration is not available to all companies. Only those entities that may be categorized as micro, small, or medium-firm based on qualifying capital expenditure are qualified for Udyog Aadhar.

A service company that invests more than Rs.5 crores in equipment or a manufacturing company that invests over Rs.10 crores in plant and equipment would not have qualified for Udyog Aadhar registration.

The MSME Department already has updated classifications of MSME, allowing more builders and other businesses to join and benefit from the MSME Registration programmes. The Finance Minister has also approved a Rs 20,000 crore boost in the corporate debt facility for MSME.

MSME registration is available in India for proprietorships, Partnership Firms, Hindu Undivided Families, One Person Companies, Private Limited Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships, Limited Companies, any body of individuals, Producer Companies, co-operative societies, or any other undergoing.

  • Go to the Udyam registration page
  • To change the details, click the Update Details button
  • Udyam registration can be updated or cancelled
  • Put your Udyam Registration Number in the box below (URN)
  • Enter the mobile number that you used to register
  • Select the OTP option, indicating whether you want the OTP sent to your mobile phone or via email.

You will not be able to cancel your registration after it has been submitted. There would be no returns once the application has been granted and the MSME Certificate has been issued. MSME Registration certificates will be sent within 24 hours to the email address used in the online application form.

  1. Microbusinesses – Micro businesses are those with a capital investment of less than Rs 25 lakh.
  2. Small businesses – An investment of more than Rs 25 lakh but less than Rs 5 crore qualifies as a small business.
  3. Medium-sized businesses – Investments of more than Rs 5 crore but less than Rs 10 crore.

According to the Financial Express, the Union Finance Ministry has enlarged the concept of the MSME credit scheme introduced in the aftermath of COVID-19 to include experts such as doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, and others. They found that the vast majority can get MSME registration if they meet the updated MSME classification criteria of yearly turnover and asset: Individuals, startups, business owners, and entrepreneurs are all included in this category. Limited liability companies (LLCs) are divided into two types: private and public.

Yes. Only manufacturing and service industries were formerly covered under MSME registration. The Reserve Bank of India (Bank Negara Malaysia ( BNM) has published to banks to advise them that wholesale and retail buyers now are allowed to sign up on the Udyam Registration Gateway and be classified as an MSME, just days after the administration declared that retail and wholesale commerce would fall under the MSME umbrella.

The only papers required for MSME registration are an Aadhaar Card and a PAN Card. MSME registration can be completed entirely online, with no verification of documentation required. The Udyam Registration Portal would automatically generate PAN and GST-linked information on investments and turnover from databases.